четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

biomas caracteristicas dos

Iapos;ve been reluctant to say much about this person, but I work with someone who has become completely insane toward me. We used to have a good relationship at work. Similar political views, similar cultural views, etc. A couple of years ago she even came with another coworker to see me in The Odd Couple.

Since switching to Macs early this year, she has turned a full 180 degrees away from me. Her computing comfort level was based completely on the Windows platform and she is less unable than she is unwilling to adapt. That came to a head in late June when she mentioned to a job candidate in a group interview that our computers donapos;t work. When I called her on that in her office afterward, she said "Well, youapos;re entitled to your opinion and I donapos;t care what you think" and walked past me out her door. To date she has yet to apologize for treating me like that. Hasnapos;t even addressed it.

Since then we have had a couple of interesting email exchanges, but none more interesting#151;or telling#151;than todayapos;s. Hereapos;s a rundown of what went on (the names have been changed to protect the innocent and the insane):

Hi, Tom. We have a high-stakes report going to a client tomorrow, and need to also send her a large SPSS dataset via email. Will you be here in the late afternoon to email this file for us? Clyde and I canapos;t risk our computers crashing again (happens when we attach SPSS files). Thank you in advance.

Thereapos;s an odd quirk in the Mac OS that we have dealt with many times before. Whenever anyone tries to attach an SPSS file (which ends with a .sav suffix) bad things happen. Usually itapos;s just the frontmost application that crashes, but on occasion it has frozen the whole works. The workaround is to zip the file(s) first. That way the OS doesnapos;t choke on that suffix. This has been known for months. Thus, my response:

Yes, Iapos;ll be here. Can you not zip it first and bypass that crash risk?

A reasonable question under the circumstances, right? Hang on:

Weapos;ve decided not to zip the file but thanks for offering. When I said apos;large fileapos; I donapos;t mean as large as our [other] stuff.

So they have decided to not use the method that has been shown to be effective. Okay, but why? Why refuse something that works? Knowing that she absolutely despises me for what I have done, I offered a way out for her:

Zipping the file should ensure crash-free delivery. Several of our colleagues have shown that to be the case, which is why I brought it up. I highly recommend following that course of action. Frankly, if Iapos;m needed to help transmit the file, the first thing Iapos;ll do is zip it. Chances are that if you try that first, you wonapos;t even need my help.

I was really hoping to hear why zipping was unacceptable. Thatapos;s not what happened:

Iapos;m not spending any more time on this. Weapos;re not zipping the file, so if you canapos;t help us please let me know and Iapos;ll ask someone else.

Okay All rational discussion has now been halted. But since there is a second party involved and copied on all of our interactions, I thought Iapos;d ask him for help:

Clyde, can you please provide me with a rationale for why zipping an SPSS is not acceptable for this project? I am happy to help, but if I am to spend my time researching an alternative to an already proven method, I think it is reasonable of me to expect a rationale. If nothing else, I need to know so that I can find an alternative which meets your needs. I cannot do that without help.

A few minutes later, Clyde stopped by my office and explained why zipping is not preferred. Now that I know the issues, I was able to provide a plan for meeting their needs. Which I did for Clyde.

I thought that was the end. I was wrong:

I am the PI on this project. We can talk to Fred and Ginger [our supervisors] about why I donapos;t need to give you a rationale about our clientapos;s needs. I actually emailed them earlier asking if they had the capacity to open zip files (have not yet heard back) but in no way do we owe an explanation. When would you like to meet with them?

She just stopped by my office to explain why she doesnapos;t need to explain anything to me and to tell me that sheapos;s not spending any more time on this.

Is it me, or am I dealing with an insane person?

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